Saturday, December 9, 2017

Teach at Claremont Splash!

Hey everyone!

I promised to post the link to sign up to teach for Claremont Splash, so here it is:

I hope you guys sign up! Just a reminder that if you sign up before winter break, you get entered into a raffle to win gift cards!


Friday, December 8, 2017

Why I'm done trying to be "Man Enough" Ted Talk

Hi all!

I recently stumbled upon this Ted Talk about the definition of masculinity and pressures it puts on males. I found the talk to be highly relevant to our discussion of Miss Representation, and continued themes of sexual assault in the press.
There is so much discussion of female gender roles and the way girls are raised in some ways to feel inferior than men-examples include those discussed in class like often raising hands less, allowing males to take leadership roles, etc. It's interesting to look at the reverse and see how much progress there is to be made in terms of male gender pressures and identities, as well. I love the question this speaker uses, "Are you strong enough to be sensitive?" It makes me think of male leaders and my everyday friends who have such a single-minded definition of strength.

I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on male gender stereotypes/pressure, this Ted Talk, or these topics in conversation with the sexual assault cases recently exposed.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Hollywood Reporter's Women in Entertainment 2017

I have to share Sarah Silverman's recent speech because she touches on so many issues that we've discussed in class recently - women "having it all," "working dad," women raising each other up, and inclusive feminism. She takes a very humorous approach (not surprising given she's a stand-up comedian), but I think there's a lot of weight in what she's saying.

Help with Finals Procrastination

Hi everyone,

I found this Ted talk about gender roles incredibly riveting. It also touches on the recent "me too" campaign/movement against sexual harassment.

A great way to procrastinate for finals!

Here's the link:


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Another Woman Comes Out With Allegations Against Franken

Yet another woman came out with sexual misconduct allegations against Al Franken. More than half of the Senate Democrats are now asking Franken to resign. It seems to me that that politicians in general faced with sexual misconduct issues are not resigning their positions when faced with sexual misconduct allegations. There has been a far stronger backlash against celebrities and media executives who have faced sexual misconduct charges.

Below is the link to the article:

Working Women in Japan

I just read this interesting article on The Economist on working women in Japan.  In general, Japanese woman want to work. However, forces such as workplace harassment, lack of nurseries, caring for the elderly, not enough help from husbands in house work, and ostracization for taking paternity leave, cause women pursue part-time work and casual work. Women, therefore, have worse job prospects and worse pay. Women in Japan earn earn 74 cents on the dollar to the man (in the US women earn 81 cents on the dollar to the male). Women, as a result, rarely reach senior positions in the workforce. 

In summary, the problem is that Japanese women are entering the labor force, but are not progressing through organizational ranks. Such a phenomenon is similar in America. How do we rectify this problem?

Below is the link to the article, if you are interested: 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

‘Where My Activists At?’ Inside the First Teen Vogue Summit

This past weekend, over 500 people attended Teen Vogue's first summit in Los Angeles, CA.
Teen Vogue, which is best known as a fashion and beauty magazine, was able to add politics into the mix at the event. Hillary Clinton, who was brought in as a keynote speaker, advised attendees to fight against "mansplaining" and to adjust their political expectations. I think bringing Hillary to the summit was a great move by Teen Vogue because it helps remove the barrier between politics and femininity. Recently, "Teen Vogue added the political issues of today to coverage of party frocks and makeup tips, and became a glossy guidebook for readers disenfranchised by the current presidential administration." Teen Vogue's magazine and summit seem to do a good job of making politics seem less intimidating to girls. In my opinion, we need a lot more works and events like this, where girls are able to connect with prominent female politicians and leaders. The fact that attendees of the summit got to meet a number of female executives from well-known companies such as Netflix and Youtube is amazing. I personally would have loved to have attended this event. I am impressed that Teen Vogue was able to create an environment for safe discussion and mentorship for women from all over the U.S. I wonder if we would be able to bring an event like this to CMC, or at least have a group of CMC students attend this type of event next semester.