Friday, December 8, 2017

Why I'm done trying to be "Man Enough" Ted Talk

Hi all!

I recently stumbled upon this Ted Talk about the definition of masculinity and pressures it puts on males. I found the talk to be highly relevant to our discussion of Miss Representation, and continued themes of sexual assault in the press.
There is so much discussion of female gender roles and the way girls are raised in some ways to feel inferior than men-examples include those discussed in class like often raising hands less, allowing males to take leadership roles, etc. It's interesting to look at the reverse and see how much progress there is to be made in terms of male gender pressures and identities, as well. I love the question this speaker uses, "Are you strong enough to be sensitive?" It makes me think of male leaders and my everyday friends who have such a single-minded definition of strength.

I'm curious what everyone's thoughts are on male gender stereotypes/pressure, this Ted Talk, or these topics in conversation with the sexual assault cases recently exposed.


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