Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The "Sexuality" Pay Gap

This is in response to some of our earlier conversations about the wage gap, but here is an interesting study/article that documents the existence of a "sexuality" pay gap. The study suggests that lesbian women on average actually earn more than heterosexual women, which is pretty counter-intuitive.

The article explores some explanations. I wonder if this stems from constructions of masculinity and femininity, and how employers might perceive (perhaps inaccurately) differences between lesbian women and heterosexual women.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Hunter for this insightful and important perspective on wage gaps! I think your question about whether masculinity/femininity plays into this sexuality pay gap is very relevant - I wonder if it has to do with whether lesbian women are seen as more or less "feminine" than heterosexual women?

    The article also draws attention to the fact that same-sex couples share household chores more equally than heterosexual couples, and I do agree that women (or men) who are responsible for the majority of a family's housework and childcare have an additional burden compared to those who do not. That being said, I'm glad the article ends by recognizing the discrimination that lesbian women face in the hiring process due to their sexuality. Different groups experience different kinds of challenges and obstacles in the workplace, and it's important to acknowledge those differences in order to address them.
